Long overdue visit

Your Uncle Brian from Texas came to visit you today. You were fussy all day (ok we won't talk about me stripping you naked for your newborn photoshoot - I get it...) but once you were in his arms you fell right asleep. #nofair

This photo is especially special since I haven't seen Brian in almost ten years. His first trip to NYC and he spent it on the couch holding Winter, while we watched college football, and me Seamless-ing in fried chicken (lol just like old times).  I consider him and his two sisters Lesley and Brenda my siblings from another mother. We all grew up as military brats with our dads stationed in the Philippines. We even all moved to New Hampshire afterwards for a few years of elementary school together. We eventually had to split ways as their family moved to Europe and I ended up in Florida.  Through those years we visited only a few amount of times but we still have that crazy close bond and consider each other family.  Sometimes military life can seem so transient but the relationships we create during those times seem to also be the strongest in our lives.
Eunice K.365, WinterComment